
Beyond-Rock & Roll Collection 3CD

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Formed in 1983 and disbanded in 2005, Beyond was arguably the most popular rock band ever in Hong Kong, and it also played a crucial role in the rock scene of the Chinese music world at large. In 22 years, the band has created so many beloved albums and songs that listeners today still crave for more Beyond releases. So here we have Rock & Roll Collection from Universal Music, a 3CD, 48-track retrospective compilation album that contains the greatest classics of the band, as well as solo hits from its guitarist-vocalist Paul Wong and bassist-vocalist Steve Wong Ka Keung.

【黃貫中 + 黃家強 + Beyond】


CD 1 [Paul]
01. 汗 (國語)
02. 同根
03. 人間蒸發
04. 黑白
05. 無得比
06. 某日
07. Lady
08. 駛乜死
09. 孩子
10. Play It Loud
11. 自由人(譚詠麟合唱)
12. 初哥
13. 憂書
14. 深紫色高爭鞋
15. 離開我吧
16. 香港一定得

CD 2 [Beyond]
01. 永遠等待
02. 亞拉伯跳舞女郎
03. 孤單一吻
04. 舊日的足跡
05. 衝開一切
06. 喜歡你
07. 真的愛妳
08. 歲月無聲
09. 戰勝心魔
10. 灰色軌跡
11. 俾面派對
12. 太陽的心
13. 大地 [國]
14. 光輝歲月[國]
15. 不再猶疑
16. 報答一生

CD 3 [Steve]
01. 驚恐症
02. 我有分數
03. 翻山越嶺
04. 撫心自問
05. 信則有
06. 守護天使 (盧巧音合唱)
07. 遲到
08. 好男人 (featuring張亞東)
09. 開戰
10. 禱告
11. 歪念
12. 沈溺
13. 殺戮戰場
14. 香港好多有錢人
15. 大賭注
16. 愛得昂貴

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